ArrayIterator ��

(PHP 5, PHP 7)



�������α�����ͬ����ʱ����Ҫʵ���� ArrayObject��Ȼ�������ʵ������һ�� ArrayIteratror ʵ���� �����������ͬ����ʱ�������Ҫʵ�� ArrayObject ���������ʵ������һ�� ArrayIteratror ʵ����Ȼ��ʹ��foreach ���� �ֶ����� getIterator() ������


ArrayIterator implements ArrayAccess , SeekableIterator , Countable , Serializable {
/* ���� */
const integer STD_PROP_LIST = 1 ;
const integer ARRAY_AS_PROPS = 2 ;
/* ���� */
public append ( mixed $value ) : void
public asort ( void ) : void
public __construct ([ mixed $array = array() [, int $flags = 0 ]] )
public count ( void ) : int
public current ( void ) : mixed
public getArrayCopy ( void ) : array
public getFlags ( void ) : void
public key ( void ) : mixed
public ksort ( void ) : void
public natcasesort ( void ) : void
public natsort ( void ) : void
public next ( void ) : void
public offsetExists ( mixed $index ) : bool
public offsetGet ( mixed $index ) : mixed
public offsetSet ( mixed $index , mixed $newval ) : void
public offsetUnset ( mixed $index ) : void
public rewind ( void ) : void
public seek ( int $position ) : void
public serialize ( void ) : string
public setFlags ( string $flags ) : void
public uasort ( callable $cmp_function ) : void
public uksort ( callable $cmp_function ) : void
public unserialize ( string $serialized ) : string
public valid ( void ) : bool


ArrayIterator ���


Properties of the object have their normal functionality when accessed as list (var_dump, foreach, etc.).



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