The CairoGradientPattern class

(PECL cairo >= 0.1.0)


CairoGradientPattern is an abstract base class from which other Pattern classes derive. It cannot be instantiated directly.


CairoGradientPattern extends CairoPattern {
/* ���� */
public addColorStopRgb ( float $offset , float $red , float $green , float $blue ) : void
public addColorStopRgba ( float $offset , float $red , float $green , float $blue , float $alpha ) : void
public getColorStopCount ( void ) : int
public getColorStopRgba ( int $index ) : array
public getExtend ( void ) : int
public setExtend ( int $extend ) : void
/* �̳еķ��� */
public CairoPattern::__construct ( void )
public CairoPattern::getMatrix ( void ) : void
public CairoPattern::getType ( void ) : int
public CairoPattern::setMatrix ( CairoMatrix $matrix ) : void
public CairoPattern::status ( void ) : int

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