The IntlGregorianCalendar class

(PHP 5 >= 5.5.0, PHP 7)



IntlGregorianCalendar extends IntlCalendar {
/* Inherited constants */
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_ERA = 0 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_YEAR = 1 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_MONTH = 2 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_DATE = 5 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_YEAR = 6 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK = 7 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_AM_PM = 9 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_HOUR = 10 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_HOUR_OF_DAY = 11 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_MINUTE = 12 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_SECOND = 13 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_MILLISECOND = 14 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_ZONE_OFFSET = 15 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_DST_OFFSET = 16 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_YEAR_WOY = 17 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_DOW_LOCAL = 18 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_EXTENDED_YEAR = 19 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_JULIAN_DAY = 20 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::FIELD_IS_LEAP_MONTH = 22 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_SUNDAY = 1 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_MONDAY = 2 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_TUESDAY = 3 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_WEDNESDAY = 4 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_THURSDAY = 5 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_FRIDAY = 6 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_SATURDAY = 7 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_TYPE_WEEKDAY = 0 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::DOW_TYPE_WEEKEND = 1 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::WALLTIME_FIRST = 1 ;
const integer IntlCalendar::WALLTIME_LAST = 0 ;
/* ���� */
public __construct ([ IntlTimeZone $tz [, string $locale ]] )
public getGregorianChange ( void ) : float
public isLeapYear ( int $year ) : bool
public setGregorianChange ( float $date ) : bool
/* �̳еķ��� */
public IntlCalendar::add ( int $field , int $amount ) : bool
intlcal_add ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field , int $amount ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::after ( IntlCalendar $other ) : bool
intlcal_after ( IntlCalendar $cal , IntlCalendar $other ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::before ( IntlCalendar $other ) : bool
intlcal_before ( IntlCalendar $cal , IntlCalendar $other ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::clear ([ int $field = NULL ] ) : bool
intlcal_clear ( IntlCalendar $cal [, int $field = NULL ] ) : bool
private IntlCalendar::__construct ( void )
public static IntlCalendar::createInstance ([ mixed $timeZone = NULL [, string $locale = "" ]] ) : IntlCalendar
intlcal_create_instance ([ mixed $timeZone = NULL [, string $locale = "" ]] ) : IntlCalendar
public IntlCalendar::equals ( IntlCalendar $other ) : bool
intlcal_equals ( IntlCalendar $cal , IntlCalendar $other ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::fieldDifference ( float $when , int $field ) : int
intlcal_field_difference ( IntlCalendar $cal , float $when , int $field ) : int
public static IntlCalendar::fromDateTime ( mixed $dateTime ) : IntlCalendar
intlcal_from_date_time ( mixed $dateTime ) : IntlCalendar
public IntlCalendar::get ( int $field ) : int
intlcal_get ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field ) : int
public IntlCalendar::getActualMaximum ( int $field ) : int
intlcal_get_actual_maximum ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field ) : int
public IntlCalendar::getActualMinimum ( int $field ) : int
intlcal_get_actual_minimum ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field ) : int
public static IntlCalendar::getAvailableLocales ( void ) : array
intlcal_get_available_locales ( void ) : array
public IntlCalendar::getDayOfWeekType ( int $dayOfWeek ) : int
intlcal_get_day_of_week_type ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $dayOfWeek ) : int
public IntlCalendar::getErrorCode ( void ) : int
public IntlCalendar::getErrorMessage ( void ) : string
public IntlCalendar::getFirstDayOfWeek ( void ) : int
intlcal_get_first_day_of_week ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : int
public IntlCalendar::getGreatestMinimum ( int $field ) : int
intlcal_get_greatest_minimum ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field ) : int
public static IntlCalendar::getKeywordValuesForLocale ( string $key , string $locale , bool $commonlyUsed ) : Iterator
intlcal_get_keyword_values_for_locale ( string $key , string $locale , bool $commonlyUsed ) : Iterator
public IntlCalendar::getLeastMaximum ( int $field ) : int
intlcal_get_least_maximum ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field ) : int
public IntlCalendar::getLocale ( int $localeType ) : string
intlcal_get_locale ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $localeType ) : string
public IntlCalendar::getMaximum ( int $field ) : int
intlcal_get_maximum ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field ) : int
intlcal_get_minimal_days_in_first_week ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : int
public IntlCalendar::getMinimum ( int $field ) : int
intlcal_get_minimum ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field ) : int
public static IntlCalendar::getNow ( void ) : float
intlcal_get_now ( void ) : float
intlcal_get_repeated_wall_time_option ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : int
intlcal_get_skipped_wall_time_option ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : int
public IntlCalendar::getTime ( void ) : float
intlcal_get_time ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : float
intlcal_get_time_zone ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : IntlTimeZone
public IntlCalendar::getType ( void ) : string
intlcal_get_type ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : string
public IntlCalendar::getWeekendTransition ( string $dayOfWeek ) : int
intlcal_get_weekend_transition ( IntlCalendar $cal , string $dayOfWeek ) : int
public IntlCalendar::inDaylightTime ( void ) : bool
intlcal_in_daylight_time ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::isEquivalentTo ( IntlCalendar $other ) : bool
intlcal_is_equivalent_to ( IntlCalendar $cal , IntlCalendar $other ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::isLenient ( void ) : bool
intlcal_is_lenient ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::isSet ( int $field ) : bool
intlcal_is_set ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::isWeekend ([ float $date = NULL ] ) : bool
intlcal_is_weekend ( IntlCalendar $cal [, float $date = NULL ] ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::roll ( int $field , mixed $amountOrUpOrDown ) : bool
intlcal_roll ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field , mixed $amountOrUpOrDown ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::set ( int $field , int $value ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::set ( int $year , int $month [, int $dayOfMonth = NULL [, int $hour = NULL [, int $minute = NULL [, int $second = NULL ]]]] ) : bool
intlcal_set ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field , int $value ) : bool
intlcal_set ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $year , int $month [, int $dayOfMonth = NULL [, int $hour = NULL [, int $minute = NULL [, int $second = NULL ]]]] ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::setFirstDayOfWeek ( int $dayOfWeek ) : bool
intlcal_set_first_day_of_week ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $dayOfWeek ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::setLenient ( bool $isLenient ) : bool
intlcal_set_lenient ( IntlCalendar $cal , bool $isLenient ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek ( int $minimalDays ) : bool
intlcal_get_minimal_days_in_first_week ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $minimalDays ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::setRepeatedWallTimeOption ( int $wallTimeOption ) : bool
intlcal_set_repeated_wall_time_option ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $wallTimeOption ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::setSkippedWallTimeOption ( int $wallTimeOption ) : bool
intlcal_set_skipped_wall_time_option ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $wallTimeOption ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::setTime ( float $date ) : bool
intlcal_set_time ( IntlCalendar $cal , float $date ) : bool
public IntlCalendar::setTimeZone ( mixed $timeZone ) : bool
intlcal_set_time_zone ( IntlCalendar $cal , mixed $timeZone ) : bool
intlcal_to_date_time ( IntlCalendar $cal ) : DateTime

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