The MultipleIterator class

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)


An Iterator that sequentially iterates over all attached iterators


MultipleIterator implements Iterator {
/* ���� */
const integer MIT_NEED_ANY = 0 ;
const integer MIT_NEED_ALL = 1 ;
const integer MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC = 0 ;
const integer MIT_KEYS_ASSOC = 2 ;
/* ���� */
public __construct ([ int $flags = MultipleIterator::MIT_NEED_ALL|MultipleIterator::MIT_KEYS_NUMERIC ] )
public attachIterator ( Iterator $iterator [, string $infos ] ) : void
public containsIterator ( Iterator $iterator ) : bool
public countIterators ( void ) : int
public current ( void ) : array
public detachIterator ( Iterator $iterator ) : void
public getFlags ( void ) : int
public key ( void ) : array
public next ( void ) : void
public rewind ( void ) : void
public setFlags ( int $flags ) : void
public valid ( void ) : bool



Do not require all sub iterators to be valid in iteration.


Require all sub iterators to be valid in iteration.


Keys are created from the sub iterators position.


Keys are created from sub iterators associated information.

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