The phdfs class

(phdfs >= 0.1.0)



phdfs {
/* ���� */
static $host ;
static $port ;
/* ���� */
public connect ( void ) : bool
public __construct ( string $ip , string $port )
public copy ( string $source_file , string $destination_file ) : bool
public create_directory ( string $path ) : bool
public delete ( string $path ) : bool
public __destruct ( void ) : void
public disconnect ( void ) : bool
public exists ( string $path ) : bool
public file_info ( string $path ) : array
public list_directory ( string $path [, int $level = 0 ] ) : array
public read ( string $path [, int $length = 0 ] ) : string
public rename ( string $old_path , string $new_path ) : bool
public tell ( string $path [, int $read_length = 1024 ] ) : int
public write ( string $path , string $buffer [, int $mode = 0 ] ) : bool




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