The SWFDisplayItem class

(PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)




SWFDisplayItem {
/* ���� */
addAction ( SWFAction $action , int $flags ) : void
addColor ( int $red , int $green , int $blue [, int $a ] ) : void
endMask ( void ) : void
getRot ( void ) : float
getX ( void ) : float
getXScale ( void ) : float
getXSkew ( void ) : float
getY ( void ) : float
getYScale ( void ) : float
getYSkew ( void ) : float
move ( float $dx , float $dy ) : void
moveTo ( float $x , float $y ) : void
multColor ( float $red , float $green , float $blue [, float $a ] ) : void
remove ( void ) : void
rotate ( float $angle ) : void
rotateTo ( float $angle ) : void
scale ( float $dx , float $dy ) : void
scaleTo ( float $x [, float $y ] ) : void
setDepth ( int $depth ) : void
setMaskLevel ( int $level ) : void
setMatrix ( float $a , float $b , float $c , float $d , float $x , float $y ) : void
setName ( string $name ) : void
setRatio ( float $ratio ) : void
skewX ( float $ddegrees ) : void
skewXTo ( float $degrees ) : void
skewY ( float $ddegrees ) : void
skewYTo ( float $degrees ) : void

Table of Contents