The Swoole\Process class

(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7, PECL swoole >= 1.9.0)



Swoole\Process {
/* Constants */
const integer IPC_NOWAIT = 256 ;
/* ���� */
public static alarm ( integer $interval_usec ) : void
public close ( void ) : void
public static daemon ([ boolean $nochdir [, boolean $noclose ]] ) : void
public __destruct ( void ) : void
public exec ( string $exec_file , string $args ) : ReturnType
public exit ([ string $exit_code ] ) : void
public freeQueue ( void ) : void
public static kill ( integer $pid [, string $signal_no ] ) : void
public name ( string $process_name ) : void
public pop ([ integer $maxsize ] ) : mixed
public push ( string $data ) : boolean
public read ([ integer $maxsize ] ) : string
public static signal ( string $signal_no , callable $callback ) : void
public start ( void ) : void
public statQueue ( void ) : array
public useQueue ( integer $key [, integer $mode ] ) : boolean
public static wait ([ boolean $blocking ] ) : array
public write ( string $data ) : integer



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