Radio Control

(PHP 7, UI 0.9.9)


A Radio is similar to the radio input type familiar from HTML


UI\Controls\Radio extends UI\Control {
/* ���� */
public append ( string $text )
public getSelected ( void ) : int
protected onSelected ( void )
public setSelected ( int $index )
/* �̳еķ��� */
public UI\Control::destroy ( void )
public UI\Control::disable ( void )
public UI\Control::enable ( void )
public UI\Control::getParent ( void ) : UI\Control
public UI\Control::getTopLevel ( void ) : int
public UI\Control::hide ( void )
public UI\Control::isEnabled ( void ) : bool
public UI\Control::isVisible ( void ) : bool
public UI\Control::setParent ( UI\Control $parent )
public UI\Control::show ( void )

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