The VarnishAdmin class

(PECL varnish >= 0.3)



VarnishAdmin {
/* ���� */
public auth ( void ) : bool
public ban ( string $vcl_regex ) : int
public banUrl ( string $vcl_regex ) : int
public clearPanic ( void ) : int
public connect ( void ) : bool
public __construct ([ array $args ] )
public disconnect ( void ) : bool
public getPanic ( void ) : string
public getParams ( void ) : array
public isRunning ( void ) : bool
public setCompat ( int $compat ) : void
public setHost ( string $host ) : void
public setIdent ( string $ident ) : void
public setParam ( string $name , string|integer $value ) : int
public setPort ( int $port ) : void
public setSecret ( string $secret ) : void
public setTimeout ( int $timeout ) : void
public start ( void ) : int
public stop ( void ) : int

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