The Yaf_View_Simple Class

(Yaf >=1.0.0)


Yaf_View_Simple ����Yaf�ڽ���һ��ģ�����棬�Ǹ��򵥶����ٵ�ģ�����棬ֻ֧��PHP�ű�


Yaf_View_Simple implements Yaf_View_Interface {
/* ���� */
protected $_tpl_vars ;
protected $_tpl_dir ;
/* ���� */
public assign ( string $name [, mixed $value ] ) : bool
public assignRef ( string $name , mixed &$value ) : bool
public clear ([ string $name ] ) : bool
final public __construct ( string $tempalte_dir [, array $options ] )
public display ( string $tpl [, array $tpl_vars ] ) : bool
public eval ( string $tpl_content [, array $tpl_vars ] ) : string
public __get ([ string $name ] ) : void
public getScriptPath ( void ) : string
public __isset ( string $name ) : void
public render ( string $tpl [, array $tpl_vars ] ) : string
public __set ( string $name , mixed $value ) : void
public setScriptPath ( string $template_dir ) : bool




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