
����չ����Ϊ������ά������������Ȼ��������չ��Դ���뻹���� PECL SVN �ҵ��� » https://svn.php.net/viewvc/pecl/fdf.

This extension is no longer bundled with PHP as of PHP 5.3.0.

Note: If you run into problems configuring PHP with fdftk support, check whether the header file fdftk.h and the library libfdftk.so are at the right place. The configure script supports both the directory structure of the FDF SDK distribution and the usual DIR/include / DIR/lib layout, so you can point it either directly to the unpacked distribution directory or put the header file and the appropriate library for your platform into e.g. /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib and configure with --with-fdftk=/usr/local .

Note: Note to Win32 Users

Ϊ��ʹ����չ��Ч�� DLL �ļ��������� Windows ϵͳ�� PATH ָʾ��·�����ҵ�����β�������Ϣ����μ���Ϊ"����� Windows �н� PHP Ŀ¼�ӵ� PATH ��"��FAQ����Ȼ�� DLL �ļ��� PHP �ļ��и��Ƶ� Windows ϵͳĿ¼Ҳ�У����������������� ����չ��Ҫ�����ļ��� PATH ·���У� fdftk.dll