
(PECL crack >= 0.1)

crack_getlastmessageReturns the message from the last obscure check


crack_getlastmessage ( void ) : string

crack_getlastmessage() returns the message from the last obscure check.


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The message from the last obscure check or FALSE if there was no obscure checks made so far.

The returned message is one of:

  • it's WAY too short
  • it is too short
  • it does not contain enough DIFFERENT characters
  • it is all whitespace
  • it is too simplistic/systematic
  • it looks like a National Insurance number.
  • it is based on a dictionary word
  • it is based on a (reversed) dictionary word
  • strong password


  • crack_check() - �ø����������������ƽ����