
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

imap_getsubscribedList all the subscribed mailboxes


imap_getsubscribed ( resource $imap_stream , string $ref , string $pattern ) : array

Gets information about the subscribed mailboxes.

Identical to imap_getmailboxes(), except that it only returns mailboxes that the user is subscribed to.



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ref should normally be just the server specification as described in imap_open()


Passing untrusted data to this parameter is insecure, unless imap.enable_insecure_rsh is disabled.



����� pattern ���ַ��п�ʹ�����������ַ��� '*' �� '%'�� '*' ��ָ������������Ŀ¼. ����� '*' ��Ϊ pattern ����ʱ, ��᷵����������㼶�ṹ�� '%' ��ָֻ���ص�ǰ���Ρ� '%' ��Ϊ pattern ������ֻ�᷵�ض������䣻 '~/mail/%' ���� UW_IMAPD ��᷵����Ϊ ~/mail ��Ŀ¼, ������������Ŀ¼��


Returns an array of objects containing mailbox information. Each object has the attributes name, specifying the full name of the mailbox; delimiter, which is the hierarchy delimiter for the part of the hierarchy this mailbox is in; and attributes. Attributes is a bitmask that can be tested against:

  • LATT_NOINFERIORS - This mailbox has no "children" (there are no mailboxes below this one).
  • LATT_NOSELECT - This is only a container, not a mailbox - you cannot open it.
  • LATT_MARKED - This mailbox is marked. Only used by UW-IMAPD.
  • LATT_UNMARKED - This mailbox is not marked. Only used by UW-IMAPD.
  • LATT_REFERRAL - This container has a referral to a remote mailbox.
  • LATT_HASCHILDREN - This mailbox has selectable inferiors.
  • LATT_HASNOCHILDREN - This mailbox has no selectable inferiors.