
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7)

inet_ntopConverts a packed internet address to a human readable representation


inet_ntop ( string $in_addr ) : string

This function converts a 32bit IPv4, or 128bit IPv6 address (if PHP was built with IPv6 support enabled) into an address family appropriate string representation.



A 32bit IPv4, or 128bit IPv6 address.


Returns a string representation of the address ������ʧ��ʱ���� FALSE.


Example #1 inet_ntop() Example

chr(127) . chr(0) . chr(0) . chr(1);
$expanded inet_ntop($packed);

/* Outputs: */
echo $expanded;

$packed str_repeat(chr(0), 15) . chr(1);
$expanded inet_ntop($packed);

/* Outputs: ::1 */
echo $expanded;


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5.3.0 This function is now available on Windows platforms.


  • long2ip() - ��������ת��Ϊ�ַ�����ʽ����Ļ�������׼��ʽ��ַ��IPV4��
  • ip2long() - �� IPV4 ���ַ���������Э��ת���ɳ���������
  • inet_pton() - Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation