(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
mktime — ȡ��һ�����ڵ� Unix ʱ���
= date("H")
[, int $minute
= date("i")
[, int $second
= date("s")
[, int $month
= date("n")
[, int $day
= date("j")
[, int $year
= date("Y")
[, int $is_dst
= -1
]]]]]]] ) : int���ݸ����IJ������� Unix ʱ�����ʱ�����һ���������������˴� Unix ��Ԫ��January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT��������ʱ���������
As of PHP 5.1, when called with no arguments, mktime() throws an
notice: use the time() function instead.
The number of the hour relative to the start of the day determined by
, day
and year
Negative values reference the hour before midnight of the day in question.
Values greater than 23 reference the appropriate hour in the following day(s).
The number of the minute relative to the start of the hour
Negative values reference the minute in the previous hour.
Values greater than 59 reference the appropriate minute in the following hour(s).
The number of seconds relative to the start of the minute
Negative values reference the second in the previous minute.
Values greater than 59 reference the appropriate second in the following minute(s).
�·����� The number of the month relative to the end of the previous year. Values 1 to 12 reference the normal calendar months of the year in question. Values less than 1 (including negative values) reference the months in the previous year in reverse order, so 0 is December, -1 is November, etc. Values greater than 12 reference the appropriate month in the following year(s).
������ The number of the day relative to the end of the previous month. Values 1 to 28, 29, 30 or 31 (depending upon the month) reference the normal days in the relevant month. Values less than 1 (including negative values) reference the days in the previous month, so 0 is the last day of the previous month, -1 is the day before that, etc. Values greater than the number of days in the relevant month reference the appropriate day in the following month(s).
���������������λ����λ���֣�0-69 ��Ӧ�� 2000-2069��70-100
��Ӧ�� 1970-2000�������ϵͳ���ձ�� time_t ��Ϊһ�� 32
�ĺϷ���Χ�� 1901 �� 2038 ֮�䣬������������
PHP 5.1.0 ���ѱ��˷��ˡ�
������������Ϊ 1����ʾ��������ʱ��ʱ�䣨DST����0
��ʾ������ʱ�ƣ����� -1��Ĭ��ֵ����ʾ��֪���Ƿ�����ʱ�ơ����δ֪��PHP
PHP ���е�ϵͳ�������� DST ���� is_dst
��Ϊ 1��ijЩʱ������Ч�ġ����� DST �� 2:00 ��Ч�������д���
2:00 �� 3:00 ֮���ʱ�䶼��Ч��mktime()
Solaris 8���� DST ����ҹ��Ч���� DST ��Ч����� 0:30
�ᱻ����Ϊǰһ��� 23:30��
�� PHP 5.1.0 �𣬱������ѱ�������Ӧ��ʹ���µ�ʱ�����������������
PHP 7.0.0 �𣬴˲����Ѿ����Ƴ���
mktime() ���ݸ����IJ������� Unix
���� PHP 5.1 ֮ǰ���� -1����
��ÿ �ε�������/ʱ�亯��ʱ�����ʱ����Ч������� E_NOTICE
�������ʹ��ϵͳ�趨ֵ�� TZ
����������������� E_STRICT
�汾 | ˵�� |
7.0.0 |
is_dst �����Ѿ����Ƴ���
5.3.0 |
mktime() now throws E_DEPRECATED notice
if the is_dst parameter is used.
5.1.0 |
is_dst ����������������ʱ��������
FALSE �������� -1�������˱��������Խ��������ղ���ȫΪ�㡣
5.1.0 |
When called with no arguments, mktime() throws
E_STRICT notice. Use the
time() function instead.
5.1.0 |
���ڷ��� |
Example #1 ��������
// Set the default timezone to use. Available as of PHP 5.1
// Prints: July 1, 2000 is on a Saturday
echo "July 1, 2000 is on a " . date("l", mktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2000));
// Prints something like: 2006-04-05T01:02:03+00:00
echo date('c', mktime(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2006));
Example #2 mktime() ����
mktime() �������ڼ������֤��������ã������Զ����㳬����Χ���������ȷֵ����������������ÿһ�ж�������ַ��� "Jan-01-1998"��
echo date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 32, 1997));
echo date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 13, 1, 1997));
echo date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1998));
echo date("M-d-Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 98));
Example #3 �¸��µ����һ��
�κθ����·ݵ����һ�춼���Ա���ʾΪ�¸��µĵ� "0" �죬������ -1 �졣�����������Ӷ�������ַ��� "The last day in Feb 2000 is: 29"��
$lastday = mktime(0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 2000);
echo strftime("Last day in Feb 2000 is: %d", $lastday);
$lastday = mktime(0, 0, 0, 4, -31, 2000);
echo strftime("Last day in Feb 2000 is: %d", $lastday);
�� PHP 5.1.0 ֮ǰ�����κ���֪ Windows �汾�Լ�һЩ����ϵͳ�²�֧�ָ���ʱ����������ݵ���Ч��Χ����Ϊ 1970 �� 2038��