
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)



oci_execute ( resource $stmt [, int $mode ] ) : bool

oci_execute() ִ��һ��֮ǰ������������䣨�� oci_parse()������ѡ���� mode ������ִ��ģʽ��Ĭ���� OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS�����������Ҫ������Զ��ύ������Ҫ�� mode ��Ϊ OCI_DEFAULT��

�� OCI_DEFAULT ģʽʱ��������һ������������ڹر����ӻ�ű�����ʱ�����ĸ��ȣ��Զ��ؾ���Ҫ��ȷ���� oci_commit() ���ύ���񣬻��� oci_rollback() ��ֹ����

�ɹ�ʱ���� TRUE�� ������ʧ��ʱ���� FALSE��


�� PHP 5.0.0 ֮ǰ�İ汾����ʹ�� ociexecute() ������������ú�������Ȼ���ã�Ϊ���¼�����Ϊ oci_execute() �ı������������ѱ����������Ƽ�ʹ�á�



A valid OCI statement identifier.


An optional second parameter can be one of the following constants:

Execution Modes
Constant Description
OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS Automatically commit all outstanding changes for this connection when the statement has succeeded. This is the default.
OCI_DEFAULT Obsolete as of PHP 5.3.2 (PECL OCI8 1.4) but still available for backward compatibility. Use the equivalent OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT in new code.
OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY Make query meta data available to functions like oci_field_name() but do not create a result set. Any subsequent fetch call such as oci_fetch_array() will fail.
OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT Do not automatically commit changes. Prior to PHP 5.3.2 (PECL OCI8 1.4) use OCI_DEFAULT which is an alias for OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT.

Using OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT mode starts a transaction. Transactions are automatically rolled back when the connection is closed, or when the script ends. Explicitly call oci_commit() to commit a transaction, or oci_rollback() to abort it.

When inserting or updating data, using transactions is recommended for relational data consistency and for performance reasons.

If OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT mode is used for any statement including queries, and oci_commit() or oci_rollback() is not subsequently called, then OCI8 will perform a rollback at the end of the script even if no data was changed. To avoid an unnecessary rollback, many scripts do not use OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT mode for queries or PL/SQL. Be careful to ensure the appropriate transactional consistency for the application when using oci_execute() with different modes in the same script.


�ɹ�ʱ���� TRUE�� ������ʧ��ʱ���� FALSE��


Example #1 oci_execute() for queries



$stid oci_parse($conn'SELECT * FROM employees');

"<table border='1'>\n";
while (
$row oci_fetch_array($stidOCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) {
    foreach (
$row as $item) {
"    <td>" . ($item !== null htmlentities($itemENT_QUOTES) : "&nbsp;") . "</td>\n";


Example #2 oci_execute() without specifying a mode example


// Before running, create the table:

$conn oci_connect('hr''welcome''localhost/XE');

$stid oci_parse($conn'INSERT INTO mytab (col1) VALUES (123)');

oci_execute($stid); // The row is committed and immediately visible to other users


Example #3 oci_execute() with OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT example


// Before running, create the table:

$conn oci_connect('hr''welcome''localhost/XE');

$stid oci_parse($conn'INSERT INTO mytab (col1) VALUES (:bv)');
for (
$i 1$i <= 5; ++$i) {
oci_execute($stidOCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT);  // use OCI_DEFAULT for PHP <= 5.3.1
oci_commit($conn);  // commits all new values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Example #4 oci_execute() with different commit modes example


// Before running, create the table:

$conn oci_connect('hr''welcome''localhost/XE');

$stid oci_parse($conn'INSERT INTO mytab (col1) VALUES (123)');
oci_execute($stidOCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT);  // data not committed

$stid oci_parse($conn'INSERT INTO mytab (col1) VALUES (456)');
oci_execute($stid);  // commits both 123 and 456 values


Example #5 oci_execute() with OCI_DESCRIBE_ONLY example



$stid oci_parse($conn'SELECT * FROM locations');
for (
$i 1$i <= oci_num_fields($stid); ++$i) {
oci_field_name($stid$i) . "<br>\n";




Transactions are automatically rolled back when connections are closed, or when the script ends, whichever is soonest. Explicitly call oci_commit() to commit a transaction.

Any call to oci_execute() that uses OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS mode explicitly or by default will commit any previous uncommitted transaction.

Any Oracle DDL statement such as CREATE or DROP will automatically commit any uncommitted transaction.


Because the oci_execute() function generally sends the statement to the database, oci_execute() can identify some statement syntax errors that the lightweight, local oci_parse() function does not.


In PHP versions before 5.0.0 use ociexecute() instead. �ڵ�ǰ�汾�У��ɵĺ����������Ա�ʹ�ã����Ѿ���������������ʹ�á�


  • oci_parse() - ���� Oracle ���Ԥ��ִ��