(PHP 4 >= 4.0.3, PHP 5, PHP 7)
pg_end_copy — �� PostgreSQL ���ͬ��
] ) : boolpg_end_copy() �ڴ����� pg_put_line() ��ִ�еĿ�������֮�� PostgreSQL ǰ�ˣ�ͨ��Ϊ web server ���̣��� PostgreSQL ����������ͬ����pg_end_copy() ���뱻���ã����� PostgreSQL ���������ܻ��ǰ��ʧȥͬ��������
PostgreSQL database connection resource. When
is not present, the default connection
is used. The default connection is the last connection made by
pg_connect() or pg_pconnect().
�ɹ�ʱ���� TRUE
�� ������ʧ��ʱ���� FALSE
Example #1 pg_end_copy() ����
$conn = pg_pconnect("dbname=foo");
pg_query($conn, "create table bar (a int4, b char(16), d float8)");
pg_query($conn, "copy bar from stdin");
pg_put_line($conn, "3\thello world\t4.5\n");
pg_put_line($conn, "4\tgoodbye world\t7.11\n");
pg_put_line($conn, "\.\n");