
(PHP 5, PHP 7)

variant_fixReturns the integer portion of a variant


variant_fix ( mixed $variant ) : mixed

Gets the integer portion of a variant.



The variant.


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If variant is negative, then the first negative integer greater than or equal to the variant is returned, otherwise returns the integer portion of the value of variant.



This documentation is based on the MSDN documentation; it appears that this function is either the same as variant_int(), or that there is an error in the MSDN documentation.


  • variant_int() - Returns the integer portion of a variant
  • variant_round() - Rounds a variant to the specified number of decimal places
  • floor() - ��ȥ��ȡ��
  • ceil() - ��һ��ȡ��
  • round() - �Ը�����������������