
(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)

GlobIterator::countGet the number of directories and files


public GlobIterator::count ( void ) : int

Gets the number of directories and files found by the glob expression.




The number of returned directories and files, as an integer.


Example #1 GlobIterator::count() example

= new GlobIterator('*.xml');

printf("Matched %d item(s)\r\n"$iterator->count());


Matched 8 item(s)


  • GlobIterator::__construct() - Construct a directory using glob
  • count() - ���������еĵ�Ԫ��Ŀ��������е����Ը���
  • glob() - Ѱ����ģʽƥ����ļ�·��