
To enable Firebird/InterBase support configure PHP --with-interbase[=DIR] , where DIR is the Firebird/InterBase base install directory, which defaults to /usr.

Note: Note to Win32/Win64 Users

Ϊ��ʹ����չ��Ч�� DLL �ļ��������� Windows ϵͳ�� PATH ָʾ��·�����ҵ�����β�������Ϣ����μ���Ϊ"����� Windows �н� PHP Ŀ¼�ӵ� PATH ��"��FAQ����Ȼ�� DLL �ļ��� PHP �ļ��и��Ƶ� Windows ϵͳĿ¼Ҳ�У����������������� ����չ��Ҫ�����ļ��� PATH ·���У� fbclient.dll,gds32.dll

If you installed the Firebird/InterBase database server on the same machine PHP is running on, you will have this DLL already and fbclient.dll,gds32.dll (gds32.dll is generated from the installer for legacy applications) will already be in the PATH.