
��Щ��������Ϊ�� php.ini �е�����Ӱ�졣

Iconv ����ѡ��
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iconv.input_encoding "" PHP_INI_ALL �� PHP 4.0.5 �������� PHP 5.6.0 �����
iconv.output_encoding "" PHP_INI_ALL �� PHP 4.0.5 �������� PHP 5.6.0 �����
iconv.internal_encoding "" PHP_INI_ALL �� PHP 4.0.5 �������� PHP 5.6.0 �����



��Щϵͳ������ IBM AIX�� ʹ�� "ISO8859-1" ������ "ISO-8859-1"������������ѡ��ͺ��������б���ʹ�����ֵ��

iconv.input_encoding string

This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.6.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.

PHP 5.6 �����ϵ��û�Ӧ�����ղ��� default_charset ȡ����

iconv.output_encoding string

This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.6.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.

PHP 5.6 �����ϵ��û�Ӧ�����ղ��� default_charset ȡ����

iconv.internal_encoding string

This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.6.0. Relying on this feature is highly discouraged.

PHP 5.6 �����ϵ��û�Ӧ�����ղ��� default_charset ȡ����