
���г�����Ϊ PHP ���ĵ�һ�������ǿ��õġ�

Ԥ���� phpcredits() ����
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CREDITS_GROUP 1 ���Ŀ���������
CREDITS_GENERAL 2 �ܵĹ��ף�������ƺ����PHP ���� �� SAPI ģ�顣
CREDITS_SAPI 4 PHP �ķ����� API ģ���б��Լ����ǵ����ߡ�
CREDITS_MODULES 8 PHP ��չ���б��Լ����ǵ����ߡ�
CREDITS_DOCS 16 �ĵ���Ĺ��ס�
CREDITS_FULLPAGE 32 ͨ����������־���ʹ�á�ͨ��������־ָʾ������������ HTML ҳ�棬���ڴ�ӡ������Ϣ��
CREDITS_QA 64 ������֤�ŶӵĹ��ס�
phpinfo() ����
���� ֵ ����
INFO_GENERAL 1 �����У�php.ini ��λ�á��������ڣ�Web ������������ϵͳ��������
INFO_CREDITS 2 PHP �����ߡ��μ� phpcredits()��
INFO_CONFIGURATION 4 ��ǰ PHP ָ��ı��أ�Local��������Master��ֵ���μ� ini_get()��
INFO_MODULES 8 �Ѽ��ص�ģ��͸��Ե����á�
INFO_ENVIRONMENT 16 ����������Ϣ�� $_ENV ������Ч��
INFO_VARIABLES 32 ��ʾ���� EGPCS ������������GET��POST��Cookie��Server���е�Ԥ���������
INFO_LICENSE 64 PHP ��Ȩ��Ϣ���μ� » license faq��
INFO_ALL -1 ��ʾ�������С�����Ĭ��ֵ��
INI ����
���� ֵ ����
INI_USER 1 Unused
INI_ALL 7 Unused

���Գ�������Щֵ�������� assert_options() �еĶ��Ա�� ��

assert() ����
���� INI ���� ����
ASSERT_ACTIVE assert.active ���� assert()��
ASSERT_CALLBACK assert.callback ʧ�ܶ��ԵĻص�������
ASSERT_BAIL assert.bail ����ʧ��ʱ��ִֹ�С�
ASSERT_WARNING assert.warning Ϊÿ��ʧ�ܵĶ��Բ���һ�� PHP ���档
ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL assert.quiet_eval ��ִ�ж��Ա��ʽʱ���� error_reporting��

���³���������������ϵͳ�� Windows���������Ч���ܵõ���ͬ�汾��Ϣ���ܹ��������һЩ���ܡ� �� PHP 5.3.0 ����Ч��

Windows �ض�����
���� ����
PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MAJOR windows ���汾�������� 4 (NT4/Me/98/95)�� 5 (XP/2003 R2/2003/2000) �� 6 (Vista/2008/7/8/8.1)��
PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_MINOR Windows ���汾�ţ������� 0 (Vista/2008/2000/NT4/95)�� 1 (XP)��2 (2003 R2/2003/XP x64)�� 10 (98) �� 90 (ME)��
PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_BUILD Windows �ڲ��汾��(���� Windows Vista SP1 �� build 6001)
PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_PLATFORM PHP ��ǰ���е�ƽ̨�� Windows Vista/XP/2000/NT4��Server 2008/2003 ��ֵ�� 2�� Windows ME/98/95 ��ֵ�� 1��
PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_SP_MAJOR ��װ�� service pack ���汾�ţ�û�а�װ�� 0�� ���磬 Windows XP service pack 3 �����ֵ�� 3��
PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_SP_MINOR ��װ�� service pack ���汾�ţ����û�а�װ���� 0 ��
PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_SUITEMASK The suitemask is a bitmask that can tell if various features of Windows is installed, see the table below for possible bitfield values.
PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_PRODUCTTYPE This contains the value used to determine the PHP_WINDOWS_NT_* constants. This value may be one of the PHP_WINDOWS_NT_* constants indicating the platform type.
PHP_WINDOWS_NT_SERVER ����һ��������ϵͳ (eg. Server 2008/2003/2000)��ע���������һ�����������ͨ�� PHP_WINDOWS_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER ���档
PHP_WINDOWS_NT_WORKSTATION ����һ������վϵͳ (���� Vista/XP/2000/NT4)

�˹����б����ͨ�� PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_SUITEMASK λ�����⡣

Windows suitemask λ�ֶ�
Bits ����
0x00000004 ��װ���� Microsoft BackOffice components��
0x00000400 ��װ���� Windows Server 2003, Web Edition��
0x00004000 ��װ���� Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition��
0x00000080 ��װ���� Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition or Windows 2000 Datacenter Server��
0x00000002 ��װ���� Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, Windows 2000 Advanced Server �� Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Edition ��
0x00000040 ��װ���� Windows XP Embedded��
0x00000200 ��װ���� Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Home Basic �� Windows XP Home Edition��
0x00000100 Remote Desktop is supported, but only one interactive session is supported. This value is set unless the system is running in application server mode.
0x00000001 Microsoft Small Business Server was once installed on the system, but may have been upgraded to another version of Windows.
0x00000020 Microsoft Small Business Server is installed with the restrictive client license in force.
0x00002000 ��װ���� Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 �� Windows Storage Server 2003��
0x00000010 �жϷ���װ�ˡ����ֵ�������õġ�������ֵ�����ˣ��� 0x00000100 û�����ã�����ϵͳ������ application server ģʽ��
0x00008000 ��װ���� Windows Home Server��