
�� » PECL ��չδ�� PHP ���� ��װ�� PECL ��չ��ص���Ϣ�����ֲ��б���Ϊ PECL ��չ�İ�װ�½����ҵ���������Ϣ���µķ��а汾�����ء�Դ�ļ��� ά����Ա��Ϣ�������־�ȣ����ڴ˴��� » https://pecl.php.net/package/mailparse.

In order to use these functions you must compile PHP with mailparse support by using the --enable-mailparse configure option.

Windows users will enable php_mailparse.dll inside of php.ini in order to use these functions. PECL ��չ�� DLL ��ǰ�����á��μ� �� Windows �Ϲ����½ڡ�

It is necessary that the mbstring extension is loaded before mailparse.