
(PECL mongo >=1.3.0)


This extension that defines this method is deprecated. Instead, the MongoDB extension should be used. There is no equivalent for this method in the new extension.


public MongoClient::getReadPreference ( void ) : array




This function returns an array describing the read preference. The array contains the values type for the string read preference mode (corresponding to the MongoClient constants), and tagsets containing a list of all tag set criteria. If no tag sets were specified, tagsets will not be present in the array.


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1.3.3 ���ص�ֵ�޸�Ϊ���� MongoClient::setReadPreference()�� type ��ֵ������ij��ַ�����ɾ���� type_string������ tagsets �����Լ�ֵ��ʾ�ı�ǩ������ð�ŷָ����ַ�����


Example #1 MongoClient::getReadPreference() ����ֵ����


= new MongoClient();
$m->setReadPreference(MongoClient::RP_SECONDARY, array(
'dc' => 'east''use' => 'reporting'),
'dc' => 'west'),


array(2) {
  string(9) "secondary"
  array(3) {
    array(2) {
      string(4) "east"
      string(9) "reporting"
    array(1) {
      string(7) "west"
    array(0) {
