
(PECL mongo >=1.6.0)

MongoCommandCursor::getReadPreferenceGet the read preference for this command


public MongoCommandCursor::getReadPreference ( void ) : array




This function returns an array describing the read preference. The array contains the values type for the string read preference mode (corresponding to the MongoClient constants), and tagsets containing a list of all tag set criteria. If no tag sets were specified, tagsets will not be present in the array.


Example #1 MongoCommandCursor::getReadPreference() return value example


= new MongoClient('mongodb://', array('replicaSet' => 'myReplSetName'));
$collection $m->selectCollection('test''people');

// If a MongoCommandCursor is constructed directly, it will inherit the read
// preference of the MongoClient instance passed to its constructor; however,
// MongoCollection::aggregateCursor() will have the MongoCommandCursor inherit
// the collection's read preference.

$cursor $collection->aggregateCursor( [
'$group' => [ '_id' => '$name''points' => [ '$sum' => '$points' ] ] ],
'$sort' => [ 'points' => -] ],
] );




array(1) {
  string(9) "secondary"
