(PECL mongo >=0.9.2)
MongoDB::command — ִ��һ�� Mongo ָ��
[, array $options
= array()
] ) : array�������в�����CRUD���������鶼����ͨ��һ��"���ݿ�ָ��"��ɡ���Ҫ֪�����ݿ�İ汾����һ��ָ�����ʵ�֡���Ҫ����һ�ξۺϣ���һ��ָ�����ʵ�֡���Ҫ�����־������һ��ָ�����ʵ�֡��������Ѿ���ᵽ�ˡ�
public function command($data) {
return $this->selectCollection('$cmd')->findOne($data);
�ò�����һ������������ʽ�Ĺ������飺 array("optionname" => <boolean>, ...)������֧�ֵ�ѡ���У�
Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException will be thrown.
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1.2.0 | ��� options ��������һ��ѡ��:"timeout"�� |
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Example #1 MongoDB::command() "distinct"ʵ��
$people = $db->people;
$people->insert(array("name" => "Joe", "age" => 4));
$people->insert(array("name" => "Sally", "age" => 22));
$people->insert(array("name" => "Dave", "age" => 22));
$people->insert(array("name" => "Molly", "age" => 87));
$ages = $db->command(array("distinct" => "people", "key" => "age"));
foreach ($ages['values'] as $age) {
echo "$age\n";
Example #2 MongoDB::command() "distinct"ʵ��
$people = $db->people;
$people->insert(array("name" => "Joe", "age" => 4));
$people->insert(array("name" => "Sally", "age" => 22));
$people->insert(array("name" => "Dave", "age" => 22));
$people->insert(array("name" => "Molly", "age" => 87));
$ages = $db->command(
"distinct" => "people",
"key" => "age",
"query" => array("age" => array('$gte' => 18))
foreach ($ages['values'] as $age) {
echo "$age\n";
Example #3 MongoDB::command() MapReduceʵ��
// sample event document
$events->insert(array("user_id" => $id,
"type" => $type,
"time" => new MongoDate(),
"desc" => $description));
// construct map and reduce functions
$map = new MongoCode("function() { emit(this.user_id,1); }");
$reduce = new MongoCode("function(k, vals) { ".
"var sum = 0;".
"for (var i in vals) {".
"sum += vals[i];".
"return sum; }");
$sales = $db->command(array(
"mapreduce" => "events",
"map" => $map,
"reduce" => $reduce,
"query" => array("type" => "sale"),
"out" => array("merge" => "eventCounts")));
$users = $db->selectCollection($sales['result'])->find();
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo "{$user['_id']} had {$user['value']} sale(s).\n";
Note: ʹ�� MongoCode
�������ʹ���� MongoCode���������Խ���һ�������������Ȼ�������� MongoDB ����֧���� MapReduce ��ʹ������ �������Ҫ��MapReduce��������һ���ͻ��˲�������ô�������ʹ��MapReduce��ʱ����"optional scope"�ֶΰ�������ӵ�ȫ���������У��ο� » MapReduce�ĵ� ����ø�����Ϣ��
Note: out ����
1.8.0��ǰ��out �����ǿ�ѡ�ģ�����㲻ʹ������MapReduce�Ľ������д��һ����ʱ����������ʱ���ϻ������ӹرպ�ɾ���� 1.8.0�Ժ�out �����DZ���ģ��ο� » MapReduce documentation ����ø�����Ϣ��
Example #4 MongoDB::command() "textSearch"ʵ��
��MongoDB 2.4���ϰ汾��ʹ��ȫ�ļ������ܣ�֮ǰ�İ汾��֧��ȫ�ļ�������
$m = new MongoClient();
$d = $m->demo;
$c = $d->planets;
$c->insert(array("name" => "Mercury", "desc" => "Mercury is the smallest and closest to the Sun"));
$c->insert(array("name" => "Venus", "desc" => "Venus is the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days."));
$c->insert(array("name" => "Earth", "desc" => "Earth is the the densest of the eight planets in the Solar System."));
$c->insert(array("name" => "Mars", "desc" => "Mars is named after the Roman god of war."));
$c->ensureIndex(array('desc' => 'text'));
$r = $d->command(array("text" => "planets", 'search' => "sun" ));
Example #5 MongoDB::command() "geoNear"ʵ��
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$m = new MongoClient();
$d = $m->demo;
$c = $d->poiConcat;
$r = $d->command(array(
'geoNear' => "poiConcat", // �� poiConcat ������
'near' => array(-0.08, 51.48), // ���� 51.48��N, 0.08��E ����
'spherical' => true, // ������������
'num' => 5, // ����5���ĵ�
MongoDB �����ĵ��� » ���ݿ�ָ�� ���Լ���Щ�ض�ָ����ĵ� » findAndModify�� » getLastError�� » repairDatabase �����кܶ�����ָ���ֻ��һЩ���ӣ�