
(No version information available, might only be in Git)

CollectionFind::groupBySet grouping criteria


public mysql_xdevapi\CollectionFind::groupBy ( string $sort_expr ) : mysql_xdevapi\CollectionFind

This function can be used to group the result-set by one more columns, frequently this is used with aggregate functions like COUNT,MAX,MIN,SUM etc.



The columns or columns that have to be used for the group operation, this can either be a single string or an array of string arguments, one for each column.


A CollectionFind that can be used for further processing


Example #1 mysql_xdevapi\CollectionFind::groupBy() example


//Assuming $coll is a valid Collection object

//Extract all the documents from the Collection and group the results by the 'name' field
$res $coll->find()->groupBy('name')->execute();
