
(PHP 5, PHP 7)

mysqli_stmt::__constructConstructs a new mysqli_stmt object


mysqli_stmt::__construct ( mysqli $link [, string $query ] )

This method constructs a new mysqli_stmt object.


In general, you should use either mysqli_prepare() or mysqli_stmt_init() to create a mysqli_stmt object, rather than directly instantiating the object with new mysqli_stmt. This method (and the ability to directly instantiate mysqli_stmt objects) may be deprecated and removed in the future.



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The query, as a string. If this parameter is omitted, then the constructor behaves identically to mysqli_stmt_init(), if provided, then it behaves as per mysqli_prepare().


  • mysqli_prepare() - ׼��ִ��һ�� SQL ���
  • mysqli_stmt_init() - ��ʼ��һ����䲢����һ������mysqli_stmt_prepare(����)�Ķ���