
If you have the libraries needed add the --with-pspell[=dir] option when compiling PHP.

Note: Note to Win32 Users

Ϊ��ʹ����չ��Ч�� DLL �ļ��������� Windows ϵͳ�� PATH ָʾ��·�����ҵ�����β�������Ϣ����μ���Ϊ"����� Windows �н� PHP Ŀ¼�ӵ� PATH ��"��FAQ����Ȼ�� DLL �ļ��� PHP �ļ��и��Ƶ� Windows ϵͳĿ¼Ҳ�У����������������� ����չ��Ҫ�����ļ��� PATH ·���У� aspell-15.dll from the bin folder of the aspell installation.

Win32 support is available only in PHP 4.3.3 and later versions. Also, at least aspell version 0.50 is required.