
(PHP 5 >= 5.4.0, PHP 7)

SNMP::getFetch an SNMP object


public SNMP::get ( mixed $object_id [, bool $preserve_keys = FALSE ] ) : mixed

Fetch an SNMP object specified in object_id using GET query.


If object_id is a string, then SNMP::get() will return SNMP object as string. If object_id is a array, all requested SNMP objects will be returned as associative array of the SNMP object ids and their values.


The SNMP object (OID) or objects


When object_id is a array and preserve_keys set to TRUE keys in results will be taken exactly as in object_id, otherwise SNMP::oid_output_format property is used to determinate the form of keys.


Returns SNMP objects requested as string or array depending on object_id type or FALSE on error.


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Example #1 Single SNMP object

Single SNMP object may be requested in two ways: as string resulting string return value or as single-element array with associative array as output.

= new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_1"""public");
$sysdescr $session->get("sysDescr.0");
$sysdescr $session->get(array("sysDescr.0"));


STRING: Test server
    [SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0] => STRING: Test server

Example #2 Multiple SNMP objects

$session = new SNMP(SNMP::VERSION_1, "", "public");
  $results = $session->get(array("sysDescr.0", "sysName.0"));


    [SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0] => STRING: Test server
    [SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0] => STRING: myhost.nodomain
