
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PHP 7)

SplFileInfo::openFileGets an SplFileObject object for the file


public SplFileInfo::openFile ([ string $open_mode = "r" [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE [, resource $context = NULL ]]] ) : SplFileObject

Creates an SplFileObject object of the file. This is useful because SplFileObject contains additional methods for manipulating the file whereas SplFileInfo is only useful for gaining information, like whether the file is writable.



The mode for opening the file. See the fopen() documentation for descriptions of possible modes. The default is read only.


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The opened file as an SplFileObject object.


A RuntimeException if the file cannot be opened (e.g. insufficient access rights).


Example #1 SplFileInfo::openFile() example

= new SplFileInfo('/tmp/foo.txt');

if (
$fileinfo->isWritable()) {

$fileobj $fileinfo->openFile('a');

$fileobj->fwrite("appended this sample text");
