
(PHP 5 >= 5.4.0, PHP 7)

SplFileObject::fputcsvWrite a field array as a CSV line


public SplFileObject::fputcsv ( array $fields [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = '"' [, string $escape = "\\" ]]] ) : int

Writes the fields array to the file as a CSV line.



An array of values.


The optional delimiter parameter sets the field delimiter (one character only).


The optional enclosure parameter sets the field enclosure (one character only).


The optional escape parameter sets the escape character (at most one character). An empty string ("") disables the proprietary escape mechanism.


If an enclosure character is contained in a field, it will be escaped by doubling it, unless it is immediately preceded by an escape_char.


Returns the length of the written string ������ʧ��ʱ���� FALSE.

Returns FALSE, and does not write the CSV line to the file, if the delimiter or enclosure parameter is not a single character.


An E_WARNING level error is issued if the delimiter or enclosure parameter is not a single character.


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7.4.0 The escape parameter now also accepts an empty string to disable the proprietary escape mechanism.
5.5.21, 5.6.5 Added the escape parameter.


Example #1 SplFileObject::fputcsv() example


= array (

$file = new SplFileObject('file.csv''w');

foreach (
$list as $fields) {


The above example will write the following to file.csv:

