
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7)

SplFileObject::fstatGets information about the file


public SplFileObject::fstat ( void ) : array

Gathers the statistics of the file. Behaves identically to fstat().




Returns an array with the statistics of the file; the format of the array is described in detail on the stat() manual page.


Example #1 SplFileObject::fstat() example

= new SplFileObject("/etc/passwd");
$stat $file->fstat();

// Print only the associative part



    [dev] => 771
    [ino] => 488704
    [mode] => 33188
    [nlink] => 1
    [uid] => 0
    [gid] => 0
    [rdev] => 0
    [size] => 1114
    [atime] => 1061067181
    [mtime] => 1056136526
    [ctime] => 1056136526
    [blksize] => 4096
    [blocks] => 8


  • fstat() - ͨ���Ѵ򿪵��ļ�ָ��ȡ���ļ���Ϣ
  • stat() - �����ļ�����Ϣ