
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.2, PHP 5, PHP 7)

streamWrapper::stream_eofTests for end-of-file on a file pointer


public streamWrapper::stream_eof ( void ) : bool

This method is called in response to feof().




Should return TRUE if the read/write position is at the end of the stream and if no more data is available to be read, or FALSE otherwise.



When reading the whole file (for example, with file_get_contents()), PHP will call streamWrapper::stream_read() followed by streamWrapper::stream_eof() in a loop but as long as streamWrapper::stream_read() returns a non-empty string, the return value of streamWrapper::stream_eof() is ignored.


  • feof() - �����ļ�ָ���Ƿ����ļ�������λ��