��װ�� PECL ��չ��ص���Ϣ�����ֲ��б���Ϊ PECL ��չ�İ�װ�½����ҵ���������Ϣ���µķ��а汾�����ء�Դ�ļ��� ά����Ա��Ϣ�������־�ȣ����ڴ˴��� » https://pecl.php.net/package/svn
If ./configure is having trouble finding the
SVN files (for example, Subversion was installed with a
different prefix directory), use
./configure --with-svn=$USR_PATH
to specify the directory where the
include/subversion-1/ folder is located.
PECL ��չ�� DLL ��ǰ�����á��μ� �� Windows �Ϲ����½ڡ�
If the extension is compiled against libsvn 1.3, functions that work with working copies will fail when used on working copies created by Subversion 1.4.