
(PECL swish >= 0.1.0)

SwishSearch::executeExecute the search and get the results


SwishSearch::execute ([ string $query ] ) : object

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Searches the index file(s) based on the parameters set in the search object.



The query string is an optional parameter, it can be also set using Swish::prepare() method. The query string is preserved between executions, so you can set it once, but execute the search multiple times.


Returns SwishResults object.


Throws SwishException on error.


Example #1 Basic SwishSearch::execute() example


try {

$swish = new Swish("index.swish-e");
$search $swish->prepare();

$results $search->execute("query");
"First query found: "$results->hits" hits\n";

$results $search->execute("new OR query");
"Second query found: "$results->hits" hits\n";

} catch (
SwishException $e) {
$e->getMessage(), "\n";



First query found: 2 hits
Second query found: 12 hits