
��Щ��������Ϊ�� php.ini �е�����Ӱ�졣

uopz ����ѡ��
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uopz.disable "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of uopz 5.0.2
uopz.exit "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM Available as of uopz 6.0.1
�й� PHP_INI_* ��ʽ�ĸ��������붨�壬�� ���ÿɱ��趨��Χ��


uopz.disable bool

If enabled, uopz should stop having any effect on the engine.

uopz.exit bool

Whether to allow the execution of exit opcodes or not. This setting can be overridden during runtime by calling uopz_allow_exit().