��װ�� PECL ��չ��ص���Ϣ�����ֲ��б���Ϊ PECL ��չ�İ�װ�½����ҵ���������Ϣ���µķ��а汾�����ء�Դ�ļ��� ά����Ա��Ϣ�������־�ȣ����ڴ˴��� » https://pecl.php.net/package/yaz
PECL ��չ�� DLL ��ǰ�����á��μ� �� Windows �Ϲ����½ڡ�
Note: Information specific to Windows users
php_yaz.dll depends on yaz.dll. The yaz.dll is part of the Win32 ZIP from the PHP site. It is also part of the Windows YAZ install available from the » YAZ WIN32 area.
On windows, don't forget to add the PHP directory to the PATH, so that the yaz.dll file can be found by the system.