公司有N个域名,证书到期时间也不一致,有些域名使用的是免得的Let's Encrypt,监控证书到期时间就比较重要。 vim urls.txt 项目名称 项目名称 安装模块: pip install pyopenssl pip install yagmail #邮件模块有很多,根据个人喜好。 #/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from urllib3.contrib import pyopenssl as req from datetime import datetime import yagmail def get_domain_list(): objlist=[] with open('urls.txt','r') as f: for i in f: objlist.append({'domain':i.split()[0],'tag':i.split()[1]}) return objlist def get_expire_time(url): sslc=req.OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(req.OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,req.ssl.get_server_certificate((url,443))) ca_date=sslc.get_notAfter().decode()[0:-1] #取出证书有效日期 return datetime.strptime(ca_date,'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') def send_mail(expire_list): user = '' #邮箱地址 password = 'xxxxx' #密码 # 126邮箱 host = '' #SMTP地址 to = '' #收件箱名称 subject = 'ssl 证书过期告警' d = '' for i in expire_list: d += '''\ <tr> <td align="center">''' + str(i['domain']) + '''</td> <td align="center">''' + str(i['remain']) + '''</td> <td align="center">''' + str(i['tag']) + '''</td> </tr> ''' html = '''\ <table width="70%" border="1" bordercolor="black" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="140" align="center" ><strong>域名</strong></td> <td width="110" align="center" ><strong>剩余天数</strong></td> <td width="110" align="center" ><strong>项目名称</strong></td> </tr> '''+ d +'''</table>''' html = html.replace("\n", "") yag = yagmail.SMTP(user = user, password = password, host = host) yag.send(to = to, subject = subject, contents = html) if __name__=='__main__': check_days=30 #域名到期前30天 domail_list=get_domain_list() for i in domail_list: remain_days=(get_expire_time(i['domain']) - i['remain'] = remain_days expire_domain_list=[i for i in domail_list if i['remain'] <= check_days] if (len(expire_domain_list) !=0): send_mail(expire_domain_list)
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