The DirectoryIterator class

(PHP 5, PHP 7)


The DirectoryIterator class provides a simple interface for viewing the contents of filesystem directories.


DirectoryIterator extends SplFileInfo implements SeekableIterator {
/* ���� */
public __construct ( string $path )
public current ( void ) : DirectoryIterator
public getATime ( void ) : int
public getBasename ([ string $suffix ] ) : string
public getCTime ( void ) : int
public getExtension ( void ) : string
public getFilename ( void ) : string
public getGroup ( void ) : int
public getInode ( void ) : int
public getMTime ( void ) : int
public getOwner ( void ) : int
public getPath ( void ) : string
public getPathname ( void ) : string
public getPerms ( void ) : int
public getSize ( void ) : int
public getType ( void ) : string
public isDir ( void ) : bool
public isDot ( void ) : bool
public isExecutable ( void ) : bool
public isFile ( void ) : bool
public isLink ( void ) : bool
public isReadable ( void ) : bool
public isWritable ( void ) : bool
public key ( void ) : string
public next ( void ) : void
public rewind ( void ) : void
public seek ( int $position ) : void
public __toString ( void ) : string
public valid ( void ) : bool


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5.1.2 DirectoryIterator extends SplFileInfo.

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