The DOMAttr class

(PHP 5, PHP 7)


DOMAttr represents an attribute in the DOMElement object.


DOMAttr extends DOMNode {
/* ���� */
public readonly string $name ;
public readonly DOMElement $ownerElement ;
public readonly bool $schemaTypeInfo ;
public readonly bool $specified ;
public string $value ;
/* �̳е����� */
public readonly string $nodeName ;
public string $nodeValue ;
public readonly int $nodeType ;
public readonly DOMNode $parentNode ;
public readonly DOMNodeList $childNodes ;
public readonly DOMNode $firstChild ;
public readonly DOMNode $lastChild ;
public readonly DOMNode $previousSibling ;
public readonly DOMNode $nextSibling ;
public readonly DOMNamedNodeMap $attributes ;
public readonly DOMDocument $ownerDocument ;
public readonly string $namespaceURI ;
public string $prefix ;
public readonly string $localName ;
public readonly string $baseURI ;
public string $textContent ;
/* ���� */
public __construct ( string $name [, string $value ] )
public isId ( void ) : bool
/* �̳еķ��� */
public DOMNode::appendChild ( DOMNode $newnode ) : DOMNode
public DOMNode::C14N ([ bool $exclusive [, bool $with_comments [, array $xpath [, array $ns_prefixes ]]]] ) : string
public DOMNode::C14NFile ( string $uri [, bool $exclusive = FALSE [, bool $with_comments = FALSE [, array $xpath [, array $ns_prefixes ]]]] ) : int
public DOMNode::cloneNode ([ bool $deep ] ) : DOMNode
public DOMNode::getLineNo ( void ) : int
public DOMNode::getNodePath ( void ) : string
public DOMNode::hasAttributes ( void ) : bool
public DOMNode::hasChildNodes ( void ) : bool
public DOMNode::insertBefore ( DOMNode $newnode [, DOMNode $refnode ] ) : DOMNode
public DOMNode::isDefaultNamespace ( string $namespaceURI ) : bool
public DOMNode::isSameNode ( DOMNode $node ) : bool
public DOMNode::isSupported ( string $feature , string $version ) : bool
public DOMNode::lookupNamespaceUri ( string $prefix ) : string
public DOMNode::lookupPrefix ( string $namespaceURI ) : string
public DOMNode::normalize ( void ) : void
public DOMNode::removeChild ( DOMNode $oldnode ) : DOMNode
public DOMNode::replaceChild ( DOMNode $newnode , DOMNode $oldnode ) : DOMNode



The name of the attribute


The element which contains the attribute


Not implemented yet, always is NULL


Not implemented yet, always is NULL


The value of the attribute

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