The GmagickDraw class

(PECL gmagick >= Unknown)



GmagickDraw {
/* ���� */
public annotate ( float $x , float $y , string $text ) : GmagickDraw
public arc ( float $sx , float $sy , float $ex , float $ey , float $sd , float $ed ) : GmagickDraw
public bezier ( array $coordinate_array ) : GmagickDraw
public ellipse ( float $ox , float $oy , float $rx , float $ry , float $start , float $end ) : GmagickDraw
public getfillcolor ( void ) : GmagickPixel
public getfillopacity ( void ) : float
public getfont ( void ) : mixed
public getfontsize ( void ) : float
public getfontstyle ( void ) : int
public getfontweight ( void ) : int
public getstrokecolor ( void ) : GmagickPixel
public getstrokeopacity ( void ) : float
public getstrokewidth ( void ) : float
public gettextdecoration ( void ) : int
public gettextencoding ( void ) : mixed
public line ( float $sx , float $sy , float $ex , float $ey ) : GmagickDraw
public point ( float $x , float $y ) : GmagickDraw
public polygon ( array $coordinates ) : GmagickDraw
public polyline ( array $coordinate_array ) : GmagickDraw
public rectangle ( float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 ) : GmagickDraw
public rotate ( float $degrees ) : GmagickDraw
public roundrectangle ( float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 , float $rx , float $ry ) : GmagickDraw
public scale ( float $x , float $y ) : GmagickDraw
public setfillcolor ( mixed $color ) : GmagickDraw
public setfillopacity ( float $fill_opacity ) : GmagickDraw
public setfont ( string $font ) : GmagickDraw
public setfontsize ( float $pointsize ) : GmagickDraw
public setfontstyle ( int $style ) : GmagickDraw
public setfontweight ( int $weight ) : GmagickDraw
public setstrokecolor ( mixed $color ) : GmagickDraw
public setstrokeopacity ( float $stroke_opacity ) : GmagickDraw
public setstrokewidth ( float $width ) : GmagickDraw
public settextdecoration ( int $decoration ) : GmagickDraw
public settextencoding ( string $encoding ) : GmagickDraw

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