The MongoCursorInterface interface

(PECL mongo >=1.5.0)


Interface for cursors, which can be used to iterate through results of a database query or command. This interface is implemented by the MongoCursor and MongoCommandCursor classes.

Note: Similar to Traversable, this interface cannot be implemented in PHP scripts.


MongoCursorInterface extends Iterator {
/* ���� */
abstract public batchSize ( int $batchSize ) : MongoCursorInterface
abstract public dead ( void ) : bool
abstract public getReadPreference ( void ) : array
abstract public info ( void ) : array
abstract public setReadPreference ( string $read_preference [, array $tags ] ) : MongoCursorInterface
abstract public timeout ( int $ms ) : MongoCursorInterface
/* �̳еķ��� */
abstract public Iterator::current ( void ) : mixed
abstract public Iterator::key ( void ) : scalar
abstract public Iterator::next ( void ) : void
abstract public Iterator::rewind ( void ) : void
abstract public Iterator::valid ( void ) : bool

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