The RecursiveRegexIterator class

(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7)


This recursive iterator can filter another recursive iterator via a regular expression.


RecursiveRegexIterator extends RegexIterator implements RecursiveIterator {
/* Inherited constants */
const integer MATCH = 0 ;
const integer GET_MATCH = 1 ;
const integer ALL_MATCHES = 2 ;
const integer SPLIT = 3 ;
const integer REPLACE = 4 ;
const integer USE_KEY = 1 ;
/* ���� */
public __construct ( RecursiveIterator $iterator , string $regex [, int $mode = self::MATCH [, int $flags = 0 [, int $preg_flags = 0 ]]] )
public hasChildren ( void ) : bool
/* �̳еķ��� */
public RecursiveIterator::hasChildren ( void ) : bool
public RegexIterator::accept ( void ) : bool
public RegexIterator::getFlags ( void ) : int
public RegexIterator::getMode ( void ) : int
public RegexIterator::getPregFlags ( void ) : int
public RegexIterator::getRegex ( void ) : string
public RegexIterator::setFlags ( int $flags ) : void
public RegexIterator::setMode ( int $mode ) : void
public RegexIterator::setPregFlags ( int $preg_flags ) : void

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