The SoapClient class

(PHP 5, PHP 7)


The SoapClient class provides a client for » SOAP 1.1, » SOAP 1.2 servers. It can be used in WSDL or non-WSDL mode.


SoapClient {
/* ���� */
public __call ( string $function_name , array $arguments ) : mixed
public __construct ( mixed $wsdl [, array $options ] )
public __doRequest ( string $request , string $location , string $action , int $version [, int $one_way = 0 ] ) : string
public __getCookies ( void ) : array
public __getFunctions ( void ) : array
public __getLastRequest ( void ) : string
public __getLastRequestHeaders ( void ) : string
public __getLastResponse ( void ) : string
public __getLastResponseHeaders ( void ) : string
public __getTypes ( void ) : array
public __setCookie ( string $name [, string $value ] ) : void
public __setLocation ([ string $new_location ] ) : string
public __setSoapHeaders ([ mixed $soapheaders ] ) : bool
public __soapCall ( string $function_name , array $arguments [, array $options [, mixed $input_headers [, array &$output_headers ]]] ) : mixed
public SoapClient ( mixed $wsdl [, array $options ] )

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