The SWFShape class

(PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)




SWFShape {
/* ���� */
addFill ( int $red , int $green , int $blue [, int $alpha = 255 ] ) : SWFFill
__construct ( void )
drawArc ( float $r , float $startAngle , float $endAngle ) : void
drawCircle ( float $r ) : void
drawCubic ( float $bx , float $by , float $cx , float $cy , float $dx , float $dy ) : int
drawCubicTo ( float $bx , float $by , float $cx , float $cy , float $dx , float $dy ) : int
drawCurve ( float $controldx , float $controldy , float $anchordx , float $anchordy [, float $targetdx ], float $targetdy ) : int
drawCurveTo ( float $controlx , float $controly , float $anchorx , float $anchory [, float $targetx ], float $targety ) : int
drawGlyph ( SWFFont $font , string $character [, int $size ] ) : void
drawLine ( float $dx , float $dy ) : void
drawLineTo ( float $x , float $y ) : void
movePen ( float $dx , float $dy ) : void
movePenTo ( float $x , float $y ) : void
setLeftFill ( SWFGradient $fill ) : void
setLine ( SWFShape $shape ) : void
setRightFill ( SWFGradient $fill ) : void

Table of Contents